Mark Glanville
Dr. Mark Glanville
- Director, Centre for Missional Leadership
Dr. Mark Glanville is the Director of the Centre for Missional Leadership at St. Andrews Hall. Mark trains church leaders for post-Christian contexts using biblical scholarship and jazz piano.
He is the author of five books, and has pastored in creative, justice-seeking churches for 14 years in both Canada and Australia. Through a variety of lenses, Mark shows how the Bible is forming churches that extend the tenderness of Jesus in their particular neighbourhood. Mark’s life goal is to research, teach, write, speak, and play music to nourish Christian leaders to creatively reimagine what the church can be and do in post-Christian societies, with the Bible in our hands.
Mark has authored: Preaching in a New Key: Crafting Expository Sermons in Post-Christian Communities (IVP Academic, March 2025); Improvising Church: Scripture as the Source of Harmony, Rhythm, and Soul (IVP Academic, 2024); Refuge Reimagined: Biblical Kinship in Global Politics (IVP Academic, 2020; co-written with Luke J. Glanville); Freed to be God’s Family: The Book of Exodus (Lexham, 2020); Adopting the Stranger as Kindred in Deuteronomy (SBL, 2018).
Mark has also written numerous refereed articles (including for: Journal of Biblical Literature, 2018; Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 2019; Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 2021; Refuge Journal, 2013), and book chapters.
In combining vocations of scholarship, teaching, pastoring, and jazz, Mark has followed an uncommon path, but it is the synergy of these four things—pastoring, researching, teaching, and creating—that has shaped him to write and teach for the church with clarity and beauty. It is this synergy that equips him to train leaders with both theological depth and practical wisdom.
Before pastoring, Mark worked full-time as a jazz pianist, and he currently plays on the Vancouver jazz scene. He seeks to integrate music with his teaching and scholarship, for example through “jazz homilies” and his podcast, Blue Note Theology.
Mark is available to speak, to offer jazz-homilies, and to perform with his jazz trio. His personal website is:
Ross Lockhart
Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart
- Dean of St. Andrew's Hall
Ross cheerfully serves as the Dean of St. Andrew’s Hall and holds a PhD from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, as well as degrees from the University of Winnipeg, University of Toronto and McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago. Ross delights in providing leadership for St. Andrew’s Hall, continually developing what it means to be a thriving Christian community, college and residence in the heart of one of Canada’s premier research universities. Ross is author of West Coast Mission: the Changing Nature of Christianity in Vancouver; Lessons from Laodicea: Missional Leadership in a Culture of Affluence; Beyond Snakes and Shamrocks: St. Patrick’s Missional Leadership Lessons for Today; co-author of Better Than Brunch: Missional Churches in Cascadia as well as Christianity: An Asian Religion in Vancouver and editor of Christian Witness in Cascadian Soil. An Ordained Minister in The Presbyterian Church in Canada, Ross has served congregations across Canada, as well as several shorter terms with The Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Ross is honoured to lead such a wonderful staff team at St. Andrew’s Hall and looks forward to meeting you in the near future.
Darrell Guder
Darrell Guder
- Senior Fellow in Residence
Darrell Guder has recently retired as Princeton Theological Seminary’s Henry Winters Luce Professor of Missional and Ecumenical Theology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg. As an ordained Presbyterian minister, he served as a student outreach pastor and as a faculty member of the Karlshohe College in the German Lutheran Church. His writing and teaching focus on the theology of the missional church, especially the theological implications of the paradigm shift to post-Christendom as the context for Christian mission in the West. One of his major research interests is reading Barth as a missional theologian He has served as secretary-treasurer of the American Society of Missiology (ASM) and was president of the ASM from 2007–2008. We are blessed and excited to have Darrell as our first Senior Fellow in Residence for the SAH Centre for Missional Leadership. Darrell will be with us in Vancouver three times a year to teach, advise and share his research on missional theology.
Tim Dickau
Rev. Dr Tim Dickau
- CML Associate for the Missional Leadership Certificate Program
- Director of City Gate Leadership Forum
Rev. Dr. Tim Dickau serves as CML Associate for the Missional Leadership Certificate Program, as well as Director of City Gate Leadership Forum.
Prior to joining CML, Tim served for thirty years as Pastor of Grandview Church in East Vancouver. Widely recognized as a highly effective missional leader, Tim’s congregational work helped established a deep connection in the neighbourhood, birthed economic development through social enterprises, built a 28 unit community housing project and nurtured a “thick community” of disciples who shared life together and deepened their faith in Jesus through confession and repentance.
Tim’s work with CML is to design and lead monthly equipping sessions for congregational teams in the Certificate program, that helps local congregations engage their neighbourhoods in mission, evangelism and seeking justice through prophetic ministries. Tim holds a Master of Divinity from Regent College and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Carey Theological College. He is author of Plunging into the Kingdom Way. His forthcoming book, Humility and Hope: Forming Christian Communities in a Secular Age, is due out in the fall of 2020.
Tim lives with his wife Mary, one of three sons and a daughter-in-law, a beautiful grandson and many mealtime guests. He is passionate about widening our imagination for how we can be the church in a way that brings hope and transformation among both persons and societal structures in particular neighborhoods.

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