November 1, 2023

Community Arboretum

Cultivate Collective: Community Arboretum

In January 2024 the Cultivate: Missional Church Planting Collective is starting church planter learning pods.

Like a botanical arboretum, (a garden with a collection of trees and shrubs cultivated for scientific or educational purposes), the Community Arboretum will gather a collection of ecumenical, innovative church planters from across British Columbia to learn from one another in the process of starting a new church. Over the course of two years, gathering several times a year, the Arboretum will be grouped by affinity and include competency-based teachings and group-directed learning. There will be a yearly, multi-day retreat for participants from all the Arboretum’s to learn together and build relationships.

Pods will be led through competency-based learning by a Cultivate Collective Team Member. Planters from all denominations, ethnicities, models of church plants, genders, and orientations are welcome to join. Church plants from various stages welcome.

  • 6 pod sessions/ year
  • In-person or online available
  • $200/year
  • Additional group retreat in June

For more information or to register, please contact Andrea Perrett []